Princeton European Fertility Project (PEFP)
Following 76 files are available for downloading:
File Name | Size (Zipped) | File Type | Access | Note |
ajc1 | 577.0k (80.5k) |
Tables | Public | Age distribution of population in 1926 for oblast areas as of 1897; taken from Russian, Polish, Latvian censuses. By sex, urban/rural. Married women 15-49 tabulated separately. |
ajc19 | 581.5k (68.3k) |
Tables | Public | 1897 population 15-49, by age group, sex, urban/rural residence and % distribution by marital status. Also total and legitimate births, and calculation of IM, IF, and IG, and singulate mean age of marriage for males and females. For 1897 provinces and also re-aggregated according to republic boundaries as of 1959. |
ajc2 | 801.5k (55.6k) |
Tables | Public | Documentation of how 1897 areas were obtained for population distributions in ajc1 and ajc3, including references to source materials. No indication of how adjustments were made for different dates of sources. |
ajc20 | 813.6k (102.0k) |
Tables | Public | 1926 population 15-49, by age group, sex, urban/rural residence and distribution by marital status. Also total and legitimate births, and calculation of IM, IF, and IG, and singulate mean age of marriage for males and females. For 1897 provinces and also re-aggregated according to republic boundaries as of 1959. |
ajc21 | 179.1k (32.8k) |
Tables | Public | Tabulations of populations age 15-49 in 1897, 1926, 1939, 1959 and 1970, by region, age group, sex, marital status and urban/rural residence. Comparisons of boundaries in 1897, 1926 and 1959. |
ajc22 | 3.4m (244.4k) |
Tables | Public | Tabulation of female population in 1897 by age group, marital status and urban/rural residence, for province total and ethnic group or nationality within province. Also births by legitmacy status, IM, IF, IG, IH and crude birth rate. Summaries beginning at line 24417 have, for each ethnic group within each province, a single line containing female population, married female population and other demographic measures. Repeated for urban and rural populations separately. |
ajc22.old | 4.1m (382.3k) |
Tables | Public | 1897 census Russia , Kingdom of Poland, nationalities ,by(U+R),(U),( R ) |
ajc23 | 2.6m (178.0k) |
Tables | Public | Tabulations similar to ajc22, but for Caucasus, Siberia, and Middle Asia. Summary data beginning at line 19177 contains, on one record for each ethnic group or nationality within province, and for province total, the following data: GIWI, GIMI, IF, IM, IG, crude birth rate, total population, female population, female crude birth rate, female crude death rate, gross reproduction rate, and sex ratios at age 0-1 and 1-9. Two additional summaries repeat these statistics for urban and rural populations separately. |
ajc24 | 936.8k (96.3k) |
Tables | Public | Tabulations of female population by age group, marital status, urban/rural residence for provinces, cities, and ethnic groups within province or city. Summary beginning at line 6799, has one record for each population subgroup containing GIWI, GIMI, IF, IM, IG, IH, IU, crude birth rate and proportion illegitimate. No date given; suspect it's 1926 population by 1959 areas. |
ajc25 | 591.9k (56.7k) |
Tables | Public | Same as ajc24, but for Ukrainian SSR only. Summary records begin at line 4311. |
ajc26 | 50.4k (6.4k) |
Tables | Public | Summaries of IM, IF, IG, GIWI, and GIMI for 1897, 1926, 1939, 1959, and 1970 by region, using boundaries of 1959. By urban, rural and total. Begins with documentation of 1897 areas combined to replicate 1959 boundaries. |
ajc3 | 950.0k (72.8k) |
Tables | Public | Age distributions of 1926 populations aged 20-59 for constituent areas described in ajc2, as well as for (1897) province totals. By sex, urban/rural residence and literacy. Contains references to documents used. |
ajc4 | 685.6k (87.6k) |
Tables | Public | Age distributions of oblast populations aged 10-60+ by sex, urban/rural residence, literacy in Russian, literacy in other languages, and education level. Oblasts labelled by number only, no indication of date, suspect it's 1897, because tabulations are in same groupings as ajc5, which refers to that date. |
ajc5 | 523.6k (62.9k) |
Tables | Public | Age distributions of oblast populations as in ajc4, but for "B.Russians" (Byelorussians?) and Ukrainian populations (separately) in those oblasts. The date 1897 is mentioned in several labels. |
ajc6 | 1.5m (165.7k) |
Tables | Public | Age distributions of oblast populations as in ajc4, but for White Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, Moldavian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Jewish, German, Armjanen (Armenian?), Greek,Tatar, Georgian, Baschkiren, Kalmjicen, Kirgizen, Chuvasen, and B.Russian (Byelorussian?) populations in those oblasts. (The "B.Russians" are tabulated for just a few oblasts, none of which are duplicates of oblasts in file ajc5.) |
ajc7 | 526.1k (144.6k) |
Tables | Public | Total births by sex and legitimacy; deaths by sex, infant deaths by sex; and total marriages, for each oblast for years 1843 through 1913. File begins with documentation of sources of data in Library of Congress and New York Public Library, including shelf number and reel number of microfilms. |
ajc8 | 292.7k (48.7k) |
Tables | Public | Average age of marriage for females in the 50 European provinces of Russia, for 1867 and 1871 through 1908. Number of marriages by 5-year age group of woman, for 1867, 1871-1883, 1885-87, 1889, 1890, 1892-1901, 1903-1908. |
areas.txt | 20.9k (3.7k) |
Documentation | Public | |
austria.cbk | 6.9k (2.0k) |
Codebook | Public | |
austria.dat | 218.0k (72.8k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
coale3 | 1.6m (216.2k) |
Tables | Public | Tabulation of 1959 population by years of education completed, age group, and urban/rural residence. For entire USSR, regions, and separately by oblast. Cities shown separately. Also average years of education by age group for population aged 10 to 70+. Summary beginning at line 11880 shows (age?) standardized mean years of education by sex and urban/rural residence for each of the regions shown in more detail earlier. |
coale7 | 606.9k (54.6k) |
Tables | Public | Age distributions by sex and urban/rural residence for 1970. For Russian Republic and Ukraine (?) with smaller areas shown in less detail. Also summaries of IF, IM, IG. |
coale8 | 39.2k (4.5k) |
Tables | Public | Same as coale7, but for White Russia. |
ef30yr01 | 123.0k (34.5k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
efaustr.dat | 2.1m (98.8k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
efaustr.doc | 51.1k (7.0k) |
Documentation | Public | |
efaustr.newdat | 217.8k (72.8k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
efengld.dat | 529.9k (90.0k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
efengld.dat~ | 531.3k (90.0k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
efengld.doc | 78.3k (7.8k) |
Documentation | Public | |
efgermn.dat | 32.4k (11.3k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
efgermn.doc | 10.0k (1.8k) |
Documentation | Public | |
efptp1 | 1.1m (174.7k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
efrussi.dat1897 | 12.9k (4.1k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
efrussi.dat1959 | 10.3k (3.5k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
efrussi.doc1897 | 5.2k (1.2k) |
Data Dictionary | Public | |
efrussi.doc1959 | 2.6k (695) |
Data Dictionary | Public | |
efswitz.dat1870 | 88.6k (19.6k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
efswitz.dat1888 | 80.2k (17.7k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
efswitz.dat1910 | 137.1k (32.0k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
efswitz.dat1930 | 73.5k (16.2k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
efswitz.doc | 24.4k (4.7k) |
Documentation | Public | |
efswitz.doc1870 | 6.7k (1.3k) |
Data Dictionary | Public | |
efswitz.doc1888 | 6.3k (1.2k) |
Data Dictionary | Public | |
efswitz.doc1910 | 8.5k (1.9k) |
Data Dictionary | Public | |
efswitz.doc1930 | 6.4k (1.2k) |
Data Dictionary | Public | |
efupdat | 130.6k (35.7k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
eurfer.corr1 | 1.2m (194.5k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
eurfert.intro | 9.4k (2.6k) |
Documentation | Public | |
germany.cbk | 6.5k (2.0k) |
Codebook | Public | |
germany.dat | 32.4k (11.3k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
list.eurfer | 4.9k (789) |
Other | Public | |
master.dat | 799.7k (181.5k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
master.doc | 36.2k (10.5k) |
Documentation | Public | Contains data dictionary for master data file as well as country region and language codes |
readme | 8.6k (2.9k) |
Documentation | Public | |
readme.austria | 2.4k (1.1k) |
Documentation | Public | |
readme.germany | 1.9k (953) |
Documentation | Public | |
readme.switz | 6.0k (2.5k) |
Documentation | Public | |
russ1897.cbk | 3.0k (1.1k) |
Codebook | Public | |
russ1897.dat | 13.0k (4.1k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
russ1959.cbk | 1.5k (671) |
Codebook | Public | |
russ1959.dat | 10.4k (3.5k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
russmisc.doc | 6.2k (2.3k) |
Documentation | Public | |
se59 | 10.3k (3.5k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
se97 | 12.9k (4.1k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
sw1870.cbk | 5.7k (1.6k) |
Codebook | Public | |
sw1870.dat | 94.0k (22.3k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
sw1888.cbk | 4.7k (1.4k) |
Codebook | Public | |
sw1888.dat | 85.7k (20.2k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
sw1910.cbk | 8.5k (2.2k) |
Codebook | Public | |
sw1910.dat | 142.8k (34.9k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
sw1930.cbk | 4.1k (1.3k) |
Codebook | Public | |
sw1930.dat | 79.0k (18.8k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
swvars.txt | 7.9k (1.4k) |
Documentation | Public | |
thirtyyr.dat | 124.0k (34.6k) |
Raw Data | Public | |
thirtyyr.doc | 19.2k (6.3k) |
Documentation | Public |
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