
Data Archive

The Future of Families and Child Wellbeing Study

Last updated: July 18, 2024

The Future of Families and Child Wellbeing Study (FFCWS) is a longitudinal birth cohort study of nearly 5,000 children born in large US cities between 1998 and 2000. Between 1998 through 2017, six waves of data have been collected from these children and their families, from birth through adolescence. The original study design called for a large oversample of births to unmarried parents, making the data a valuable resource for studying racial and economic disparities in health and wellbeing. The publicly available data includes information from: interviews with mothers and fathers (birth, ages 1, 3, 5, and 9), interviews with primary caregivers (ages 3, 5, 9, 15), child assessments (ages 3, 5, 9 and 15), child interviews (ages 9 and 15), child care provider interviews (age 3), and teacher interviews (age 5 and 9).

Latin American Migration Project

Last updated: June 22, 2021

The Latin American Migration Project (LAMP) is a collaborative research project based at Princeton University and the University of Guadalajara. The LAMP was born as an extension of the Mexican Migration Project (MMP), which was created in 1982 by an interdisciplinary team of researchers to advance our understanding of the complex processes of international migration and immigration to the United States. Data gathered by the MMP have been the source of a sizable amount of research on international migration. The purpose of the LAMP is to extend this research to migration flows originating in other Latin American countries.

Mexican Migration Project

Last updated: February 23, 2021

The Mexican Migration Project was created in 1982 by an interdisciplinary team of researchers to further our understanding of the complex process of Mexican migration to the United States.Since its inception, the MMP's main focus has been to gather social as well as economic information on Mexican-US migration.

Highly Skilled and Educated Immigrants

Last updated: February 23, 2017

The Project “International Migration of Talent and Highly Skilled and Educated to the U.S.” began in 2010 under the direction of Douglas S. Massey and Magaly Sanchez R., with funding from the MacArthur Foundation and Princeton University. Known in abbreviated form as the Highly Skilled and Educated (HSE) Immigrants Project, it was organized as a sub-project of the Latin American Migration Project (LAMP). Its design included two separate data collection efforts: the application of the LAMP’s ethnosurvey questionnaire to a selected sample of Venezuelan immigrants and in-depth interviews conducted with a sizeable number of HSE immigrants from Venezuela and several other sending nations.

Survey of Unemployed Workers in New Jersey

Last updated: February 17, 2015

The goal of this survey is to learn more about how unemployed workers spend and experience their time over their spell of unemployment. In addition, the survey aims at finding out more about how unemployed people search for jobs. For that purpose, unemployed workers were invited to participate in the study each week for a period of up to 12 weeks, and the long-term unemployed were surveyed for an additional 12 weeks. The survey is distinguished from past studies by the use of high-frequency longitudinal data on time use, job search activity and job offers. This unique data promises new insights into the process of job search and job finding, as it makes it possible to track time spent on job search activities over the spell of unemployment. The data for this survey were collected in the fall of 2009 and the beginning of 2010. The appendix in Krueger and Mueller (2011) describes in detail the survey design and methodology.

Wiki Surveys: Open and Quantifiable Social Data Collection

Last updated: January 28, 2015

The Wiki Surveys: Open and Quantifiable Social Data Collection project (WS) seeks to develop new online methods of social data collection. This data and code release enables others to replicate and extend the results in Salganik and Levy (2015)

Network Scale-up Method for Heavy Drug Users in Curitiba, Brazil

Last updated: November 16, 2011

This study was conducted to evaluate the network scale-up method for estimating the sizes of groups most at-risk for HIV/AIDS. Using 4 different data sources, 2 of which were from other researchers, the authors produced 5 estimates of the number of heavy drug users in Curitiba, Brazil.

The Game of Contacts

Last updated: December 14, 2010

The Game of Contacts data are collected as nested items in a behavioral surveillance study of heavy drug users in Curitiba, Brazil, which was conducted by the Brazilian Ministry of Health and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation as part of the 10-city Brazillian Behavioral Surveillance Study of Heavy drug users (Bastos, in press). The items constitute a game-like activity that is called the game of contacts, which let authors estimates the visibility of social groups. The estimated social visibility estimates, in turn, are used in the estimation of the size of hard-to-count populations such as heavy drug users, as reported in Salganik et. Al. (2010).

Addis Ababa Mortality Surveillance Project

Last updated: October 20, 2010

The Addis Ababa Mortality Surveillance Project (AAMSP) is hosted by Addis Ababa University and revolves around a surveillance of burials at all known cemeteries of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Surveillance started in 2001 and is ongoing. Basic socio-demographic information including the lay report of the cause of death is collected for about 20,000 deaths a year. Verbal autopsy interviews are conducted with relatives or caretakers of the deceased for a random sample of records. The data that have been made available for public use pertain to the first five years of the surveillance, including a set of verbal autopsy interviews that were conducted in 2004.

Project 90 (Partial Data)

Last updated: April 26, 2010

Project 90 is a federally funded, US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) project focuses on HIV transmission risk in heterosexual and injecting drug user (IDU) populations. Its primarily goals are to identify and interview as much the target population as possible and to assess the size, structure and epidemic potential of the high-risk partnership network. For more details of the Project 90, see references below. Stephen Muth and John Potterat kindly provided the data in 2009, which became one of the two datasets analyzed by Prof. Matthew Salganik and his co-author in the paper, S. Goel and M. Salganik (2010) "Assessing respondent-driven sampling" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). The release of these data allows others to replicate the analyses and fulfills the requirement for the PNAS publication.

Immigrant Identity Project

Last updated: October 9, 2009

The Project Transnational Identities and behavior: an Ethnographic Comparison of First and Second Generation Latino Immigrants was realized under the direction of Douglas Massey and Magaly Sanchez R with funding from the Russell Sage Foundation (May 2002). The study, known in abbreviated form as the Immigrant Identity Project, was organized as a sub-project of two larger investigations: the Mexican Migration Project (http://mmp.opr.princeton.edu) and the Latin American Migration Project (http://lmp.opr.princeton.edu). The project sought to conduct in-depth interviews with immigrants residing in the northeastern United States , and was originally conceived to analyze whether the construction of immigrant identity conformed to the postulates of classic assimilation theory, segmented assimilation theory, or transnational theory, and to assess whether intergroup boundaries were being blurred or brightened.

Texas Higher Education Opportunity Project

Last updated: February 13, 2009

The Texas Higher Education Opportunity Project (THEOP) is a multi-year study that investigates college planning and enrollment behavior under a policy that guarantees admission to any Texas public college or university to high school seniors who graduate in the top decile of their class. The study collected administrative data on applications, admissions and enrollment from 12 colleges and universities in the state that differ in the selectivity of their admissions, and conducted a two-cohort longitudinal survey of sophomores and seniors who were enrolled in Texas public schools as of spring, 2002.

Success and Failure in Cultural Markets

Last updated: July 30, 2008

Success and Failure in Cultural Markets project was motivated by a puzzling aspect of contemporary cultural markets: successful cultural products, such as hit songs , bestselling books, and blockbuster movies, are orders of magnitude more successful than average; yet which particular songs, books, and movies will become the next "big thing" appears impossible to predict. The project proposed that both of these features, which appear to be contradictory at the collective level, can arise from the process of social influence at the individual level. To explore this possibility emprically a website was constructed where participants could listen to, rate, and download new music. Using a "multiple worlds" experimental design, the project found support for the ideas in a series of four experiments involving a total of 27,267 participants.

National Longitudinal Survey of Freshmen

Last updated: June 25, 2008

The National Longitudinal Survey of Freshmen (NLSF) was developed to provide comprehensive data to test different theoretical explanations for minority underachievement in higher education. The NLSF data are available for Wave 1, the baseline survey with detailed information on student’s background, such as family structure, neighborhood and school characteristics, at age 6, 12, and one year prior to entering college. Wave 1 also includes information about student’s preparation for college, peer networks, and racial/ethnic attitudes.

World Fertility Survey

Last updated: May 25, 2004

A collection of high-quality, internationally comparable surveys of human fertility conducted in 41 developing countries in the late seventies and early eighties.

National Survey of Family Growth

Last updated: June 26, 2003

The survey reports background information about the respondent and her husband, such as education, religion, ethnic origin, occupation, and earnings. Complete marital history, birth history and pregnancy history information are recorded. For pregnancies ending after January 1, 1970, a complete history of contraceptive methods used in the interval is available, including the reason the last method was stopped. The wantedness and timing of each pregnancy was ascertained. Finally, there are detailed questions about the woman's ideal family size, desired, intended and expected number of children. A monthly calendar of contraceptive use from January 1, 1970 until the date of the survey is provided; the information was recorded in the form of dates, and transcribed to the calendar by the interviewer. This survey has expanded questions about the respondent's use of health services, including PAP tests, pelvic exams, and tests for STD's. There are more questions about precautions the respondent was taking to avoid AIDS and other STD's, although many of these responses are not included in the data because of concerns about confidentiality. There are also detailed questions about child care

U.S. Cohort and Period Fertility Tables, 1917-1980

Last updated: June 25, 2003

These fertility tables, produced by the National Institute of Child Health and Development, National Institutes of Health, were compiled by Robert L. Heuser. They are tabulated by single year of age and birth cohort, by parity and race. There are three series of data: 1. Central birth rates by cohort and age (Cohorts 1868 through 1966). 2. Central birth rates by period and age (Years 1917 through 1980). 3. Cumulative birth rates by cohort to exact age x. (Cohorts 1867 through 1966). The ages tabulated are 14 to 49. The numerators were taken from birth registration statistics. The denominators were taken from the U.S. censuses. In the earlier years, births within the birth registration areas were used to estimate births for the entire U.S. Adjustments were made for undercount and age misreporting. Within a cohort, the age-specific rates were smoothed by using a three-year moving average, where it was assumed that the rates below age 14 and above age 49 were 0. The earliest year for which birth registration data are available is 1917. The cohort tables (Series 1 and 3) thus begin with women born in 1868, who were 49 in 1917, and end with women born in 1966, who were 14 in 1980, although a complete age schedule is available only for women born between 1903 and 1931. In the cohort tables, rates for ages attained before 1917 or after 1980 are set to 0.

Little Village Survey

Last updated: April 3, 2003

Little Village, a neighborhood on the south side of Chicago, is the largest Mexican community in the Midwestern United States. The Little Village Survey consists of business and household surveys. The business survey is based on a stratified random sample of establishments that were in operation during the spring of 1994. The questionnaire solicited information about household and respondent characteristics and measured inputs for business start-up, including sources of capital, use of credit, family members’ participation, employee and client attributes, characteristics of suppliers, ethnic composition of social networks, and organizational participation. 325 households were interviewed for the household component of the survey.

Brazilian National Household Survey

Last updated: June 5, 2002

Brazil's National Household Sample Survey (Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicilios - PNAD) was conducted by Fundacao Instituto Brasileiro de Geografica e Estatistica (IBGE).

Growth of American Families

Last updated: June 3, 2002

1955: Women were asked questions about fertility and contraception, including contraceptive use and pregnancy histories, opinions on childbearing and childrearing, expectation of further children, etc. Background information such as marital history, education, income, religion, social characteristics, and place of residence was also collected. For the first eight pregnancies, dates, outcomes, and patterns of contraceptive use are coded. No information about specific contraceptive methods used in these pregnancy intervals was collected, although whether a woman ever used specific methods is recorded. For the first eight live births, the dates, pregnancy order and number of living children at the time of the birth are recorded. According to other information in the data, there were 24 pregnancies of order greater than eight for these women, and 14 live births of order greater than eight. Information about these is not included in the data. 1960: Women were asked questions about fertility and contraception, including contraceptive use and pregnancy histories, opinions on childbearing and childrearing, expectation of further children, etc. Background information such as marital history, education, income, religion, social characteristics, and place of residence was also collected. Contraceptive information, including methods used (but no dates of use), is recorded for the first 12 pregnancy intervals and the open interval. Outcomes and dates are recorded for all pregnancies.

National Fertility Survey

Last updated: June 3, 2002

Women were asked questions about fertility and contraception, including contraceptive use and pregnancy histories, opinions on childbearing and childrearing, desired family size, future childbearing intentions and expectation of further children. Questions about coital frequency at the time of interview were asked. Marital history and some labor force participation history were recorded. Background information such as education, income, religion, social characteristics, and place of residence was also collected. The live birth history contains questions about length of breastfeeding and survival staus of the child. The pregnancy history contains questions about methods of contraception used and childbearing intentions at the time of conception.

Princeton Fertility Survey

Last updated: June 3, 2002

Questions were asked about the couple's attitudes toward family planning, personal goals, work, leisure, religion, world problems. Detailed questions were asked about the planning status, timing, and wantedness of each birth. Contraceptive use, intentions for future childbearing, periods of separation, and opinions on abortion are also recorded.

Princeton European Fertility Project

Last updated: June 3, 2002

The European Fertility Project had two objectives: 1.To create a quantitative record of the European fertility transition - the decline of 50% or more in the number of children the average woman bears. This profound demographic change, and the social changes associated with it, occurred within the past two centuries in almost all of the several hundred provinces of Europe, and 2.To determine the social and economic circumstances that prevailed when the modern decline in fertility began in the hope of elucidating the causal mechanisms of the fertility transition. To accomplish the two objectives, two sets of measures were required, one to describe demographic characteristics (primarily marriage and fertility) and one to describe social and economic circumstances. The demographic measures had to be such that they could be calculated easily using the often limited census and vital resistration data available. To this end, a series of standard measures was developed which compared the fertility experience of the populations of the provinces of Europe to that of the Hutterites, a religious community residing in the western United States and Canada. The Hutterite women had the highest recorded levels of natural fertility known at that date.

Hutterite Fertility Survey

Last updated: June 3, 2002

These data are of great historical interest. They represent a natural fertility population with a very high level of marital fertility and were used as a standard in the European Fertility Study against which the fertility levels of other populations were measured. A.G. Steinberg collected the data as part of a genetic study in 1953 (51 families) and 1958-1961 (685 families). An attempt was made to determine from written records and family Bibles the dates of birth and death of everyone who had ever lived in the communities studied. Followup interviews were conducted with 562 families in order to get complete pregnancy histories. The dataset we have has only 722 familes and 552 pregnancy histories. This is 14 families and 10 pregnancy histories fewer than Mindel Sheps reports.

Demographic and Health Surveys

Last updated: June 3, 2002

The successor to WFS, which has completed three additional runs of surveys in the eighties and nineties.

OECD Tables of Populations and Deaths

Last updated: December 18, 1995

These files of population and death statistics from developing countries were amassed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, an intergoverernmental organization representing 25 of the world's democracies with advanced market economies. One result of the project was the UN Model Life Tables for Developing countries. The data contained in these files are for the most part raw census and vital registration data and the data quality for many (probably most) of them was such that the UN could not use them as standards for the model life tables. For some countries registered deaths are available from the 1920's up to the mid 1970's. Some statistics are available for both urban and rural populations, as well as other subgroups of the population. For many of the countries included in the datafiles, this is almost all of the data that exist. Aside from their historical interest, these data may be useful for illustrating patterns of age misreporting or for teaching methods of adjusting data.