Codebook for Hutterite Data
Hutterite Data
Deck No. Title of Card.
00 Family card
01-25 Live birth card, by order.
4x Pregnancy card for the xth marriage for this woman
50, 51 Card A, B Live birth and exposure to risk for 1st marriage, by
year of age.
61, 62 Card C Intervals between successive live births.
60 Card D Open interval.
Note: Card types A, B, C and D are not in the Hutterite dataset. This
portion of the codebook was included because it may help to elucidate
earlier research.
Code Summary
Family Card
Column No. Item
1-2 Deck number
3-7 Family number
8-14 Father's birth date.
15-21 Mother's birth date.
22-28 Date of marriage.
29 Reasons for end of marriage record.
30-36 Date of end of marriage record.
37-43 Date of survey.
44-45 Total number of LB confinements.
46 Pregnancy at the time of survey.
47 Number of times multiple births.
48-49 Total number of live births.
50 Marital status at marriage.
51 Other marriages.
52-58 Date of last birth.
59-61 Year of last pregnancy if not live birth.
62-68 Date of father's death.
69-75 Date of mother's death.
(See detailed code)
Code Summary
Card for Live Birth
Column No. Item
1-2 Rank order of confinement (LB).
3-45 Copy from family card.
46-52 Date of birth.
53-59 Date of death.
60 Sex and multiplicity.
61-62 Rank order of pregnancy from beginning counting all
63 Rank order from end.
64 Number of miscarriages and stillbirths between this
birth and last preceding LB.
65-71 Same information as in columns 45-51 above for
preceding LB.
72 Information about mortality of previous child.
73 Special column for problem cases.
(See Detailed Code)
Detailed Code
Pregnancy Record Card for Women
With Record of all Pregnancies up to Date of Survey
Column No. Item
1 Deck number (4)
2 Order of this marriage for the woman.
3-36 Duplicate from family card.
37 Number of marriages for woman.
38-44 Total number of pregnancies (counting pregnancy at
time of survey, if known. If exact order of
miscarriages or stillbirths is unknown all of the
following columns are to be left blank.
47 Outcome of 1st pregnancy*
48 Outcome of 2nd pregnancy*
Blank if 0 in column 47
49-70 Outcome of 3rd-25th pregnancy*
71-72 Total number of LB confinements (count twins as one).
*Outcome Code
0 Order of pregnancies unknown
1 Single LB
2 Multiple LB (both live)
3 Single SB
4 Multiple SB (both dead)
5 One LB one SB
6 Miscarriage
7 Pregnancy not terminated on last report
8 Triplets (all live)
9 Miscarriage (twins)
Detailed Code
Family Card
Column No. Item Code
1-2 Deck number. '00'
3-7 Colony and family number. Direct.
8 Completeness of information about father's birth date
1 Day, month, year known
2 Month, year known (not day)
3 Year known (not month)
4 Approximate year known.
5 Unknown
6 Conflict in dates on two records.
9-14 Father's birth date
When different dates appear on two records, the date
on the family record where he is a child used.
Detailed code:
9-11 Father's birth year Last 3 digits of year. If unknown
(5 in column 8) 000.
12-14 Father's birth day and month. See special date code.
If day and month unknown, (3, 4 or 5in column 8) code
000. If month known but not day, (2 in column 8)
mid-day of month (see special date code).
15 Completeness of mother's birth date. As column 8.
16-21 Mother's birth date. As columns 9-14.
22 Completeness of date of marriage. As column 8.
23-28 Date of marriage. As columns 9-14.
29 Reasons for end of marriage record.
1 Complete family (married life recorded until mother
> 50 years). For columns 30-36 if either spouse
dead, code date of death; if both dead code date of
earlier death. If both alive, code date of survey.
2 Death of father, before mother aged 50 years. For
columns 30-36, code 9 months after father's death.
3 Death of mother before aged 50. For columns 30-36
code date.
4 Date of survey, before mother aged 50. For columns
30-36 code date.
5 Exact age of mother unknown but probably complete.
If either spouse died, code earliest date of death
in columns 30-36. If both alive, code date of
6 End of marriage unknown.
30 Completeness of date in 31-36,
1 Day, month, year known.
2 Month, year known (not day).
3 Year known.
4 Approximate year known.
5 Unknown.
31-36 Date of end of marriage record. As columns 9-14
(see code for #29).
37 Completeness of date of survey. As column 30.
38-43 Date of survey. As columns 9-14.
44-45 Total number of confinements (LB)
Direct (Twins count as one)
46 Pregnancy at the time of survey
0 If none mentioned and do not fit item 2 below.
1 If pregnancy mentioned.
2 If not applicable (mother dead, widowed or over 50)
i.e. cannot be pregnant.
47 Number of time multiple births. Direct (i.e. number of
times twins or triplets).
48-49 Total number of live births. Direct (counting number of
children--i.e. twins count as two).
50 Marital status at marriage.
Father Mother
1 S S
2 W S
3 S W
4 W W
51 Other marriages.
0 Neither (1 in column 50)
1 Father only (2 in column 50)
2 Mother 0 pregnancy (3 in column 50)
3 Mother 0 LB but pregnancy (3 in column 50)
4 Mother 1 or more LB (3 in column 50)
5 Both parents 0 LB either (4 in column 50)
6 Both parents > 1 LB (4 in column 50).
7 Both parents 0 LB mother (4 in column 50)
8 Both parents 0 LB father (4 in column 50)
52 Completeness of date of last birth.
1 Day, month, year known.
2 Month, year known (not day)
3 Year known (not month).
4 Approximate year known.
5 Unknown.
6 Conflict in dates.
7 Impossible interval but assumption made to arrive
at date (year changed or month and day reversed).
8 Impossible interval coded unknown (approximate year
given but month and day coded as 000).
53-58 Date of last live birth. As columns 9-14.
59-61 Year of last pregnancy if not LB.
Direct--include a miscarriage or a pregnancy at time
of survey (If LB or no pregnancies code 000, if year
unknown, code 999, if no pregnancy record, code 111)
62 Completeness of date of father's death.
0 Alive at last record.
1 Day, month, year known.
2 Month, year known.
3 Year known.
4 Approximate year known.
5 Known dead but year unknown.
6 Unknown whether alive or dead.
63-68 Date of father's death. As columns 9-14. If living on
the date of survey (i.e. if punch '0' in column 62)
punch zeros in these columns.
69 Completeness of date of mother's death. As column 62.
70-75 Date of mother's death. As columns 63-68.
Detailed Code
Card for Live Birth
Column No. Item
1-2 Deck number. Direct rank order of confinement among
live births -in that marriage. Twins are to have a
card for each child, but they will have the identical
rank order. For the family as a whole, this counts
as one confinement, but as 2 LB.
3-45 Duplicate from family card.
46 Completeness of date of this birth.
1 Day, month, year known.
2 Month, year known (not day).
3 Year known (not month).
4 approximate year known.
5 Unknown.
6 conflict in dates.
7 Impossible interval but assumption made to arrive
at date (year changed or month and day reversed).
8 Impossible interval coded unknown (approximate year
given but month and day coded as 000).
47-52 Date of birth. As other dates.
53 Completeness of date of death.
0 Alive at last record.
1 Day month, year known.
2 Month, year known.
3 Year known.
4 Approximate year known.
5 Known dead but year unknown.
6 Unknown whether alive or dead.
54-59 Date of death. As other dates.
60 Sex and multiplicity.
1 Male, single birth.
2 Female, single birth.
3 Male, identical twin.
4 Female, identical twin.
5 Male, fraternal twin.
6 Female, fraternal twin.
7 Male twin, zygosity unknown.
8 Female twin, zygosity unknown.
9 Sex unknown, single.
0 Sex unknown, twin.
y Triplets.
61-62 Rank order of the pregnancy from beginning counting all
pregnancies. Direct (punch '99' if order or total
number unknown) i.e. no pregnancy record.
63 Rank order of confinement from end (live births only).
Direct--last 3 only in complete unions, i.e. those
with 1 in column 29. 9 otherwise (not applicable).
64 Number of miscarriages and stillbirths between this
birth and last preceding LB or marriage in the case
of the first LB
0 If none of either.
1 1 miscarriage.
2 2 miscarriages.
3 3 miscarriages.
4 > 4 miscarriages.
5 1 SB
6 2 SB
7 > 3 SB
8 1 miscarriage and 1 SB.
9 Combination of > 1 miscarriage and > 1 SB
y If unknown.
65-71 Copy 46-52 from preceding LB. For 1st birth leave blank
72 Information about mortality of previous child.
0 Known to have lived beyond 1 year.
1 Known to be alive at time of survey and < 1 year
If died at <1 year--calculate number of days lived
(date of death minus date of birth) and code as:
2 If < 28 days.
3 28-91 days.
4 92-182 days.
5 183-364 days.
6 Died probably less than 1 year (check when doubt)
7 Died age unknown.
8 Unknown outcome.
9 Previous birth is twins:
1 died at < 1 year and 1 lived > 1 year.
Blank if card is for first birth.
73 Special Codes.
1 No dates, but age at death is known.
2 Stillbirth for which we make LB card because of
Summary Cards A, B, and C
General Coding
1. Time measurements (except for duration of marriage)-- All ages and
intervals refer to completed units. (midpoint x + .5)
Duration of marriage--number of completed years plus one.
(midpoint x - .5) If an interval between births is > 999 weeks, it
should be coded as 999.
2. Purity Code--
Refers to completeness of knowledge of dates involved--poorest
quality in completeness code in original cards. Order from best to
poorest is 1, 6, 2, 7, 3, 4, 5,-8.
3. Card A incomplete (punched 9 in column 80) if mother's birthdate unknown
or if date of marriage unknown.
Card B incomplete (punched 9 in column 80) if date of marriage unknown.
Card A and B incomplete (punched 8 in column 80) if date of end of
marriage unknown.
Card A and B punched x if both end of marriage date and mother's birthdate
and /or date of marriage are unknown. (column 80)
4. Card C--field for duration of intervals (3 column field blank when purity
is 5 for either end of an interval.
Card A--Live Birth and Exposure Record for 1st Marriage
by Each Year of Age
Columns Item
1-2 Card identification--"50"
3-7 Family number.
8-14 Date of marriage (from columns 22-28 of family card).
15 Purity code referring to mother's age at marriage
(poorest number in completeness codes).
16-17 Mother's age (in years) at marriage--99 if unknown.
18 Purity code referring to father's age at marriage
(poorest number in completeness codes).
23-24 Duration of marriage (in years)--99 if unknown.
25 Purity code referring to mother's age at end of marriage
(poorest number in completeness codes).
26-27 Mother's age (in years) at end of marriage--99 if
28 Purity code referring to father's age at end of marriage
(poorest number on completeness codes).
29-30 Father's age (in years) at end of marriage--99 if
31-32 Total number of confinements (LB) (from columns 44-45
of family card).
33-65 Years of age beginning with age 18 through 50.
0 not married.
1 LB
2 LB during 1st year of age in married state.
3 LB during last year of age in married state.
4 Pregnancy during last year of age in married
state (see column 46 of family card).
5 LB but date unknown due to a 5 in completeness codes
for this LB. If rank order of this LB is known, all
columns between the preceding LB and the following LB
will be punched 5 (since it is impossible to locate
the proper year).
6 Only year of LB known (3 or 4 completeness codes).
7 No LB during 1st year of age in married state.
8 No LB or pregnancy during last year of age in married
9 Married but no LB (used also for last year of age
in married state rather than an 8 if termination
is due to survey--4 in column 21).
Blank--if duration of marriage is known, termination
with 1st blank; if duration of marriage is unknown
(99 in columns 23-24), marriage is unknown from this
date on
X overpunch in combination with either a 1, 2, 3, or
6--two live births during one year of age in
married state.
66-67 Number of weeks exposure during 1st year of age in
married state. "99" indicates dates impure.
68-69 Number of weeks exposure during last year of age in
married state. "99" indicates dates impure.
70 "1" indicates one or more multiple births involved.
Blank indicates no multiple births.
71 Purity code referring to mother's age at birth of last
child (poorest number in completeness codes).
72-73 Mother's age (in years) at birth of last child--99 if
74-79 Blank
80 "8" indicates end of marriage unknown.
"9" indicates birthdate of mother and/or date of
marriage unknown.
"x" indicates end of marriage plus birthdate of mother
and/or date of marriage unknown.
Any information which is obtainable will be punched into such cards.
Card B--LB and Exposure Record for 1st Marriage
by Duration of Marriage
Columns Item
1-2 Card identification--"51"
3-32 Same as Card A.
33-65 Year of duration of marriage. Use same code as Card A.
66-67 Blank.
68-69 Number of weeks exposure during last year of married
70-73 Same as Card A.
74-79 Blank.
80 "8" indicates end of marriage unknown.
"9" indicates date of marriage unknown.
"x" indicates end of marriage plus date of marriage
Any information which is obtainable will be punched into such cards.
Card C--Intervals Between Successive LB's (in weeks)
Columns Item
1-2 Card identification--"61" for intervals 1 to 10; "62"
for intervals 11-20 (if needed).
3-7 Family number.
8 Reason for termination of marriage (column 29 of family
9-10 Age of mother (in years) at marriage.
11-12 Total number of confinements (LB) (columns 44-45 of
family card).
13 Purity code referring to all intervals between
successive live births (poorest number in completeness
14 Pregnancy record.
0 no record.
Blank--information available from columns 59-61 of
family card.
"1" indicates one or more multiple births in this
Blank indicates no multiple births in this record.
16-21 Blank.
22-26 1st interval.
23--Preceding miscarriages (column 64 of LB card for
1st birth)
24-26--Weeks in interval (xxx if LB precedes marriage)
27-32 2nd interval
27-- Mortality (column 72 of LB card for 2nd birth).
29--Preceding miscarriages (column 64 of LB card for
2nd birth).
30-32--Weeks in interval. Card C--Continued
33-38 3rd interval.
33--Mortality (column 72 if LB card for 3rd birth).
35--Preceding miscarriages (column 64 of LB card for
3rd birth).
36-38--Weeks in interval.
39-44 4th interval.
39--Mortality (column 72 of LB card for 4th birth).
41--Preceding miscarriages (column 64 of LB card for
4th birth).
42-44--Weeks in interval.
45-50 5th interval.
45--Mortality (column 72 of LB card for 5th birth).
47--Preceding miscarriages (column 64 of LB card for
5th birth).
48-50--Weeks in interval.
51-56 6th interval.
51--Mortality (column 72 of LB card for 6th birth).
53--Preceding miscarriages (column 64 of LB card for
6th birth).
54-56--Weeks in interval.
57-62 7th interval.
57--Mortality (column 72 of LB card for 7th birth.
59--Preceding miscarriages (column 64 of LB card for
7th birth).
60-62--Weeks of interval.
63-68 8th interval.
63--Mortality (column 72 of LB card for 8th birth).
65--Preceding miscarriages (column 64 of LB card for
8th birth).
66-68--Weeks in interval.
69-74 9th interval.
69--Mortality (column 72 of Lb card for 9th birth).
71--Preceding miscarriages (column 64 of LB card for
9th birth).
72-74--Weeks in interval.
75-80 10th interval.
75--Mortality (column 72 of LB card for 10th birth).
77--Preceding miscarriages (column 64 of LB card for
10th birth).
78-80--Weeks in interval.
Card 62--same as card 61 but for intervals 11-20 if needed (column 21 is used
here for mortality in 11th live birth card).
Card D--Length of Uncompleted Interval After
Last Live Birth Confinement
Columns Item
1-2 Card identification--"60".
3-7 Family number.
8-9 Mother's age at marriage (in years)--99 unknown.
10 Purity code referring to mother's birth date.
11 Purity code referring to date of marriage.
12 Reason for termination of marriage.
13-14 Blank.
15-16 Order of last live birth confinement.
17-18 Order of last live birth confinement 1--uncompleted
19-23 Weeks in uncompleted interval after last live birth
24 Purity code referring to date of last live birth
25 Purity code referring to date of end of marriage.
26 Pregnancy after last live birth.
0 indicates there was no pregnancy.
8 indicates there was a pregnancy.
9 indicates there was a pregnancy.
1 indicates unknown.
Note: Information was taken from Family Card (00). Cards with a 6 in column
29--reason for termination of marriage unknown, 5 in column 30--date of
end of marriage unknown, 5 in column 52--date of last live birth unknown
were eliminated.