Tabulations of Hutterite Data

Summary of Card Types:

The data file contains 6271 records of the following types:

                                                        Valid     Cum
  Value Label               Value  Frequency  Percent  Percent  Percent

    Family card                 0       722     11.5     11.5     11.5
    1st confinement, live b.    1       680     10.8     10.8     22.4
    2nd confinement, live b.    2       633     10.1     10.1     32.5
    3rd confinement, live b.    3       583      9.3      9.3     41.7
    4th confinement, live b.    4       537      8.6      8.6     50.3
    5th confinement, live b.    5       483      7.7      7.7     58.0
    6th confinement, live b.    6       433      6.9      6.9     64.9
    7th confinement, live b.    7       378      6.0      6.0     70.9
    8th confinement, live b.    8       329      5.2      5.2     76.2
    9th confinement, live b.    9       277      4.4      4.4     80.6
    10th confinement, live b.  10       229      3.7      3.7     84.3
    11th confinement, live b.  11       169      2.7      2.7     87.0
    12th confinement, live b.  12       119      1.9      1.9     88.9
    13th confinement, live b.  13        82      1.3      1.3     90.2
    14th confinement, live b.  14        39       .6       .6     90.8
    15th confinement, live b.  15        19       .3       .3     91.1
    16th confinement, live b.  16         5       .1       .1     91.2
    17th confinement, live b.  17         2       .0       .0     91.2
    Pregnancy card, 1st marr.  41       547      8.7      8.7     99.9
    Pregnancy card, 2nd marr.  42         5       .1       .1    100.0
                                     -------  -------  -------
                            TOTAL      6271    100.0    100.0

Number of Confinements and Live Births Reported on Family Card

                         Confinements            Live Births
           Value     Frequency Cumulative   Frequency Cumulative

               0           49     722              49     722
               1           42     673              41     673
               2           53     631              54     632
               3           45     578              41     578
               4           52     533              54     537
               5           50     481              46     483
               6           55     431              58     437
               7           48     376              51     379
               8           55     328              54     328
               9           49     273              50     274
              10           57     224              57     224
              11           50     167              47     167
              12           35     117              35     120
              13           43      82              41      85
              14           20      39              22      44
              15           14      19              14      22
              16            3       5               5       8
              17            2       2               1       3
              18                                    1       2
              19                                    1       1
                       -------                 -------
              TOTAL       722                     722

Note: These should not necessarily agree with the number of cards for each confinement, as a family would have more than one card for a particular confinement if the confinement resulted in multiple births.

Discrepancy in Marital Status

The following tabulation shows a discrepancy between two variables on the family card: the prior marital status of each partner versus a variable indicating whether the earlier marriage(s) produced any children. There are a number of cases where the code for OTHMAR is inconsistent with MSTAT; the meaning of the codes for OTHMAR is not particularly clear.

Crosstabulation:     MSTAT  (Marital status at marriage)
                  By OTHMAR (Details of earlier marriages)

                                    Mom married before  Both married bef.
OTHMAR->  Count  |no prior dad prior 0 preg    1+ LB    >1 LB  mom 0 LB   Row
                 |      0 |      1 |      2 |      4 |      6 |      7 | Total
MSTAT    --------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+
 Invalid code 0  |     1  |        |        |        |        |        |     1
 Both single  1  |   644  |    34 *|     2 *|     4 *|        |        |   686
 Father widow 2  |        |    26  |        |        |        |     1 *|    27
 Mother widow 3  |        |        |        |     5  |        |        |     5
 Both widow   4  |        |        |        |        |     5  |        |     5
          Column     645       60        2        9        5        1      724
           Total    89.2      8.4       .3      1.2       .7       .1    100.0

* Invalid code combination