-- ------------ -------- ----- ----------------------------------
4 IF 1- 10 3 Index of total fertility
5 IG 11- 20 3 Index of marital fertility
6 IH 21- 30 3 Index of unmarried fertility
7 IM 31- 40 3 Ratio of the index of marital fertility
to index of total fertility
8 PROT 41- 50 3 % Protestant
9 CATH 51- 60 3 % Catholic
10 ISRA 61- 70 3 % Jewish
11 GER 71- 80 3 % German
12 FR 81- 90 3 % French
13 ITA 91-100 3 % Italian
14 ROM 101-110 3 % Romansh
15 ED1 111-120 3 % with high grade in draftees' exam
(average for 1909, 1910 and 1911)
16 ED2 121-130 3 % with low grade in draftees' exam
(average for 1909, 1910 and 1911)
17 ED3 131-140 3 % draftees with > primary educ.
(average for 1909, 1910 and 1911)
18 SINGL1 141-150 3 % women 20-24 who are single
19 SINGL2 151-160 3 % women aged 45-49 who are single
20 MORT 161-170 3 Infant Mortality Rate
21 DECM10 171-180 3 Yr of decline in IMR of 10%
22 DECM50 181-190 3 Yr of decline in IMR of 50%
23 DECM.1 191-200 3 Yr of decline in IMR to .100
24 DECIG10 201-210 3 Yr of decline in Ig of 10%
25 DECIG.6 211-220 3 Yr of decline in Ig to .600
26 WL.WL65 221-230 3 Prop. women 15-64 gainfully employed
27 WLEXAGR.W65 231-240 3 Prop. F 15-64 employed outside agric.
28 ALT.1 241-250 3 % living at <500 metres altitude
29 ALT.2 251-260 3 % living at 50-999 metres altitude
30 ALT.3 261-270 3 % living at 1000+ metres altitude
31 MAGR 271-280 3 Proportion male LF in agriculture
32 MIND 281-290 3 Proportion male LF in industry
33 WAGR 291-300 3 Proportion female LF in agriculture
34 WIND 301-310 3 Proportion female LF in industry
35 PROPWAGR 311-320 3 Proportion agriculture workers who
are women
36 PROPWIND 321-330 3 Proportion industrial workers who are
37 PROPWOTH 331-340 3 Proportion workers in tetiary industries
who are women
38 PROPWTO 341-350 3 Proportion total labor force who are
39 TAGR 351-360 3 Proportion of total labor force in
40 TIND 361-370 3 Proportion of total labor force in
Note: Variables 41-45 are from 1905 census of "Enterprises"
41 ENTERPR 371-380 3 Proportion of businesses to population
42 COTTENTERPR 381-390 3 Proportion of enterprises that are
cottage (see V59)
43 AGRENTERPR 391-400 3 Proportion of enterprises that are
44 IND.ENTERPR 401-410 3 Proportion of enterprises that are
45 COMM.ENTRPR 411-420 3 Proportion of enterprises that are
in commerce
46 TRANS.ENTERPR 421-430 3 Proportion of enterprises that are
47 ADM.ENTERPR 431-440 3 Proportion of enterprises that are
in public administration
48 HOTEL.ENTERPR 441-450 3 Proportion of enterprises that are hotel
49 WCOTTAGE 451-460 3 Proportion of women 15-64 in cottage
50 SEX1900 461-470 3 Overall sex ratio in 1900
51 CBR 471-480 3 Crude birth rate
52 CDR 481-490 3 Crude death rate
53 CMR 491-500 3 Crude migration rate
54 NGR 501-510 3 Crude growth rate
Note: The rates in variables 51-54 are computed using
births, deaths and migrations from 1900 to 1910. The denominators
are the average of the populations in 1900 and 1910.
55 TGR 511-520 3 Total growth rate
56 SEX1910 521-530 3 Overall sex ratio in 1910
57 BORNCOM 531-540 3 Proportion living in commune of birth
58 BORNFOR 541-550 3 Proportion born in a foreign country
59 COTTIND 551-560 3 Proportion cottage industries (see V42)
60 SIZHOLD 561-570 3 Average size of holding
61 SIZLOT 571-580 3 Average size of a lot
?62 TOTHOLD 581-590 3 ?
63 PRFIELD 591-600 3 Proportion of land in fields
64 PRMEADO 601-610 3 Proportion of land in meadows
65 PRVINE 611-620 3 Proportion of land in vines
66 PRMAGR 621-630 3 Proportion males in agriculture
67 PRMIND 631-640 3 Proportion males in industry
68 PRWAGR 641-650 3 Proportion women in agriculture
69 PRWIND 651-660 3 Proportion women in industry
70 PRAGRIC 661-670 3 Proportion in agriculture
71 PRIND 671-680 3 Proportion in industry
72 WAGRIENT 681-690 3 Percent of women in agriculture in
73 WINDENT 691-700 3 Percent of women in industry in
74 WLFENT 701-710 3 Percent of women in labor force who are
in enterprises
Note: Variables 59 through 74 are not described in the typed
codebooks provided by Francine Vanderwalle. It is possible that the
descriptions here were guesses based on the variable names.
75 TRANSP 711-720 3 Percent of labor force in transportation
76 ADMINI 721-730 3 Percent of labor force in public service
77 COMBINE 731-740 3 Percent of labor force in transportation &
public service
78 LABEL 741-750 District label
Canton key 752-753 Unique key for canton
Dist. key 754-755 Unique key for district
Canton 757-765 Canton Name
District 766-780 District Name
revised 4-94 B. Vaughan