Switzerland 1888 Variable Descriptions
-- ------------ -------- ----- ----------------------------------
4 IF 1- 10 3 Index of total fertility
5 IG 11- 20 3 Index of marital fertility
6 IH 21- 30 3 Index of unmarried fertility
7 IM 31- 40 3 Ratio of the index of marital fertility
to index of total fertility
8 PROTES 41- 50 3 % Protestant
9 CATHOL 51- 60 3 % Catholic
10 SINGLE24 61- 70 3 % women aged 20-24 who are single
11 SINGLE49 71- 80 3 % women aged 45-49 who are single
12 MAGRIC 81- 90 3 Proportion male labor force in agriculture
13 MIND 91-100 3 Proportion male labor force in industry
14 MCOMM 101-110 3 Proportion male labor force in trade
15 MTRANSP 111-120 3 Proportion male labor force in transportation
16 MADMIN 121-130 3 Proportion male labor force in public service
17 TAGRIC 131-140 3 Proportion total labor force in
18 TIND 141-150 3 Proportion total labor force in industry
19 TCOMM 151-160 3 Proportion total labor force in trade
20 TTRANSP 161-170 3 Proportion total labor force in
21 TADMIN 171-180 3 Proportion total labor force in
public service
22 INFMORT 181-190 3 Infant Mortality Rate
23 WAGRIC 191-200 3 Proportion agricultural labor force female
24 WIND 201-210 3 Proportion female in industrial LF
25 WCOMM 211-220 3 Proportion female in trade LF
26 WTRANSP 221-230 3 Proportion female in transportation LF
27 WADMIN 231-240 3 Proportion female in public service LF
28 WOLABFOR 241-250 3 Proportion women in total labor force
29 GERMAN 251-260 3 % German
30 FRENCH 261-270 3 % French
31 ITALIAN 271-280 3 % Italian
32 ROMANS 281-290 3 % Romansh
33 PROPTOT 291-300 3 Proportion married F/married M
34 GRADE1 301-310 3 Prop. high grade in draftees' exam
35 GRADE5 311-320 3 Propr. low grade in draftees' exma
36 USCHOOL 321-330 3 Prop. draftees with > primary educ.
Note: These education levels are not
comparable to those in 1870, due to a change in grading system. The
figures are an average for the years 1887, 1888, and 1889.
37 LOWALT 331-340 3 % living below 500 metres altitude
38 ALT500 341-350 3 % living at 500-999 metres altitude
39 ALT1000 351-360 3 % living at 1000+ metres altitude
40 DECLIM01 361-370 3 Year of decline in IMR by 10%
41 DECLIM05 371-380 3 Year of decline in IMR by 50%
42 DECLIM00 381-390 3 Year of decline in IMR to .100
43 DECLIG10 391-400 3 Year of decline in Ig by 10%
44 DECLIG6 401-410 3 Yr of decline in Ig to .600
45 SEXRATIO 411-420 3 Sex ratio (M/F)
46 BORNCOM 421-430 3 Proportion living in commune of birth
47 BORNFOR 431-440 3 Proportion born in foreign country
48 LABEL 441-450 District label
Canton key 452-453 Unique key for canton
Dist. key 454-455 Unique key for district
Canton 457-465 Canton Name
District 466-480 District Name
(11-17-83) -2-
Revised 4-94 B. Vaughan